Hello experts,
What is the best method to compare two documents?
Let's say I have ORIGINAL.tmdx and I make edits to it saving 10 sequential versions as NEWv##.tmdx (where ## is sequential version numbering), and let's say the final document is NEWv10.tmdx.
I would like to be able to compare NEWv10.tmdx to ORIGINAL.tmdx and see the various additions/deletions so I'll know how NEWv10.tmdx has been altered from ORIGINAL.tmdx.
Tricks, tips and pointers would be most welcome.
Best method to compare two documents ?
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
Currently, we don't have an automated document comparison feature in TextMaker, so you have to manually compare both the documents and look for the changes, but I have forwarded this feature request to our developers team.
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
Thanks for the reply.
It would be EXTREMELY useful to have a comparison feature. It really helps with lengthy documents and in situations where there is collaberation between multiple authors and/or editors.
I wasn't thinking of something "automated" but rather an explicit action where, for example, one might use the menu to find a function like "Compare Documents", and then one can select the new document (NEWv10.tmdx" in my example) and select the old document co compare it to (ORIGINAL.tmdx in my example) and then "run" the comparison to get a result showing colour-coded adds/moves/deletions.
If this exists in TextMaker I can't find it. If it doesn't exist and that's what you've put forward to the developers, thank you.
Word for Windows has this, and it works pretty well. Word for the Mac (I'm only familiar with 2011 for the Mac) has this too, but it is not quite as well developed as the Windows version. If SoftMaker introduced this feature it will be all the more attractive and competitive (free and paid versions) as a replacement for, or alternative to, M$ Word.
Here is an example of the result of such a comparison. Red strike-through text means this text has been deleted, blue underlined text means this text has been added, black vertical lines to the left of the text indicate where changes to the text are found.
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
Thanks for sharing the screenshot. As I mentioned, currently we don't have this feature and I have forwarded this feature request to our developers team.
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
Hasn't this been on the "developers' list" for a few years now - it's in MS Word 2007 for goodness sake and it's a pretty basic feature for pro users.
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
I agree with previous comments, we are way past the time a COMPARE feature should be in this application. Word has had it for years and WPS also offers. Can we, the loyal users of Softmaker Office receive a response as to this issue from someone in charge at Softmaker
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
Thanks for your post. I have again forwarded this improvement suggestion to our product management.
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
And now it is 2025 and (more than) four years since the suggestion was passed on to developers, and it is still not there!
Re: Best method to compare two documents ?
We will update you here as soon as we receive any information regarding this matter.
Please note that, occasionally, due to technical difficulties, it may take longer than expected.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please note that, occasionally, due to technical difficulties, it may take longer than expected.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.